Looking for new floors in the Wilkesboro, NC area?
Shop our extensive flooring catalog
Your total flooring source in Wilkesboro, NC
Come in and let us help you create beautiful rooms in your home. We offer the brands you’ve come to know and trust because they offer style, quality, value, and the best warranties in the business. You’ll find a wide selection of quality carpet, ceramic tile, beautiful hardwood, laminate and vinyl flooring. We also feature Hunter Douglas window treatments and Ohair Custom Plantation Shutters, and for the outside of you home, awnings and exterior stains house stains by Sikkens and Flood.
The Wilkesboro, NC area trusts McLean Floorcoverings for all of their flooring needs.
Our professional flooring installers are ready to help you with your next project.

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Let us help choose the right flooring style for your home! Browse our beautiful flooring galleries to get started.